It’s time to take control of your life Smoking is waste money on something that will ruin your health and your life. Not only risk your health when you smoke, but put at risk the health of your loved ones by your side. You are solely responsible for any health problems that could suffer family, friends and even your pet if you smoke near them.
Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals and at least 400 of these are toxic. When you inhale a cigarette, what happens is that the heat burns and snuff produce these toxins. The most dangerous toxins are the tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and its components. The tar is a carcinogen that causes cancer and nicotine has been shown that elevated cholesterol levels. Carbon monoxide it does is it reduces the oxygen in your body, It is proven that the components of the gas produced by smoking contributes to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The harm caused by smoking, is tied to the amount of cigarettes smoked, regardless of whether or not filters or how it was prepared.
1. Every time you smoke you are filling your lungs with mucus and tar. When smoking is forming a sticky substance that is black, the result of cigarette tar accumulates in your lungs. Your whole body feels the effects of the accumulation of this pitch because it reduces the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrient
s between the tissues and your bloodstream. The effects of smoking are most notable for you when you notice that you do not breathe as well as before, when you begin to suffer from chronic cough due to excess mucus you produce. But despite all this there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you stop smoking now, I still have the opportunity to clean your lungs and begin to heal. According to the National Cancer Institute, if you stop smoking today, your body begins the healing process as soon as 12 hours after you’ve smoked your last cigarette. In about three months, your lungs will show an improvement in function.
2. Depression can be caused by smoking. If you smoke and you feel a little nervous, but really what your smoking habit is the reason. Smokers usually do when they feel anxious because they think that smoking will ease the cramping. This is totally false; in contrast, smoking probably what you are doing is increasing their state of anxiety. The anxiety begins 20 to 30 minutes after smoking your last cigarette, because it is then that starts the effect of cessation. By quitting discover a new life, anxiety and depression will be things of the past. You’ll feel like you have more control over your life.
3. Smoking will reduce your chance of living. Studies performed show that smoking can shorten your life by seven to eight years. Stop smoking today and gain the opportunity to enjoy your life and your family for over tempo. By stopping now, you have the opportunity to live a long and healthy life.