A pack of chewing gum is an inexpensive treat that can make your day a little sweeter. Surprisingly, the benefits of chewing gum may go far beyond the simple task of sweetening your mouth. Chewing gum can also provide you with a variety of health benefits which makes that nickel piece of gum even more of a bargain. Here are some of the health benefits of chewing gum:
While chewing gum only burns around eleven calories per hour, the physical act of gum chewing may help to reduce your cravings for high calorie snacks. And you shouldn't discount the calories burned from chewing gum. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that you would lose eleven pounds in a year if you chewed gum every hour you were awake during that time period. Of course the gum would need to be sugar free to offset the calories from the added sugar.
Chewing gum after a meal not only helps to improve intestinal motility, it may also help to reduce the symptoms of chronic heartburn associated with gastroesophageal reflux or GERD. The simple act of chewing gum helps to increase saliva flow which promotes more frequent swallowing. This helps to prevent reflux of acid from the stomach back into the throat. Unfortunately, it can also cause increased air swallowing which can lead to gas formation in the intestines.
Chewing gum can reduce the number of cavities you experience as long as you chew sugarless gum. Not only does gum chewing increase saliva flow which reduces the number of cavity causing bacteria, many gums are sweetened with xylitol which has been shown to be effective in preventing dental cavities.
Several small studies have shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum can help to relieve anxiety and expend nervous energy which can reduce symptoms of stress. Some studies have even suggested that it can have a positive benefit on brain function and memory. The next time you're stressed about meeting a deadline at work, pop a piece of sugarless gum in your mouth and see if it helps to clear your head.
There are a variety of sugarless gums on the market that actually help to whiten and brighten the surface of your teeth. Try chewing Trident White which has patented whitening technology to help get your teeth their whitest. It's also a great way to refresh your mouth and breath when you don't have time to go home and brush your teeth.
The next time you pop a piece of sugarfree chewing gum into your mouth, remember all the wonderful health benefits you're getting. It'll make it taste all the sweeter.