
What Benefits Do You Get With Dating?

Having someone to hold your hand, join you on movie nights and share a wonderful meal with are all very tangible benefits of dating. But did you know that being in a relationship can also affect your physical well-being? We’re not just talking about the more obvious things like the beneficial impact of sex on health. There are at least 9 more subtle benefits you get with dating that we’ll discuss. Who knows? If you are dating someone now you could be looking for an app for planning a wedding a few years from now!

Benefits of Being in a Relationship

1. Less Pain

When you’re in love, the dopamine system of your body creates its own form of natural pain killers. It was suggested by a study that those who are in love and look at a picture of their special one, are able to feel less pain than those who aren’t in love.

2. Faster Healing

According to another study, a happy couple healed more quickly than those who had the same illness but were single. Research shows that increased oxytocin and reduced stress had a positive effect on healing. Faster healing is definitely one of the pros of being in a relationship.

3. Less Stress

What benefits do you get with dating when it comes to stress? According to research, people who are in a committed relationship have lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It’s been found that marriage and social support help people manage stress more effectively than single or unpaired individuals.

4. Longer Life

Although there’s been evidence on both sides, some studies stand by the fact that one of the benefits of a healthy relationship is that people live longer than those who remain single. Regardless of how long your life gets to be, we can agree that being happy while sharing your life with someone is what really matters.

Benefits of Relationships
Benefits of Relationships

5. Graceful Aging

Besides a longer life, a study showed that aging gracefully is another of the multiple relationship benefits. Apparently, having someone by your side while aging improves your health in the golden years.

6. Better Sleep

According to research, another of the benefits of being in a relationship is that people tend to sleep better. Researchers found that couples who slept together had lower levels of cortisol, which means lower levels of stress and therefore better sleep. It’s also been found that women in long-term relationships tend to sleep better and fall asleep more quickly. There are also benefits to hugging, so it’s even better if that’s how you and your partner sleep!

7. Benefits Mental Health

A study showed that the risk of a mental illness is lower for both heterosexual and homosexual couples. It’s well-known that regardless of their relationship status, anyone can suffer from a mental illness, a partner’s support plays an important role in mental health. Marriage provides people with a higher perception of social integration and support and therefore improves mental health.

8. Heart Attack Prevention

A cardiology study has found that our brain isn’t the only organ that receives the benefits of being in a relationship. Research suggests that being in a good relationship can reduce the risk of heart attack at all ages. Reason? It turns out that having a partner encourages you to stay healthy and married couples encourage each other to go to the doctor. That could be an argument for why it’s important to get married?

9. More Happiness

We’re talking about the benefits of healthy relationships, so we couldn’t possibly miss this obvious upside. According to several studies, high levels of oxytocin promote bonding and comfort, which is why you can boost your mood by simply having your significant other by your side. Therefore, one of the best benefits of a healthy relationship is that it can increase your level of happiness astronomically.

Pros of Being in a Relationship
Pros of Being in a Relationship