Give Me Some Coffee and Sugar Right Now

Give Me Some Coffee and Sugar Right Now

Mmm… there is nothing like a good cup of hot coffee with sugar, especially in the morning. Don’t you just love cuddling up in your sofa ,or in your favorite chair and sip your coffee slowly?

Give Me Some Coffee and Sugar Right Now!

Hands Up Mister! Slowly put the Coffee down and step away!

Some people should have a sign hanging around their neck with the text: “Please do Not disturb before at LEAST 5 cups of coffee”, that is me!

Now see, it is not a good idea to drink as much coffee as I do (and that is a lot, but I have a legal reason of sorts…) Coffee is good for you, but in small moderated amounts, like with everything else.

It is said that if you drink these hot coffee beverages regularly it reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease. There seem to be some test proving this, but here I am not the expert, so you should more about it.

It is also said that it has the potential of protecting against developing  type 2 diabetes, yet another study seem to reveal this.

Health benefits are best given by doctors and the like, so do your investigation, and see how it helps and how it can be addictive.

There are so many different forms of coffee, and ways to make them. There is also a lot of different coffee making machines those things are truly a clear proof of how many people drink this beverages.


The reason that I declare it legal for me to drink a lot of coffee, is actually because of my parents. Now they are awesome and deeply loving parents, they have thought me moral and love across any borders the universe has to present. But there is one thing, that might have been done a little bit differently

They gave me coffee in my Sippy bottle starting from the age of 6 months, yup you heard it right, 6 months old and already a coffee drinker *lol* I am not sure if I would ever recommend that, but as my parents have told me, “well Karima you loved it”. Since I have been introduced to coffee at such a young age, I would indeed call it not only legal for me, but also probably a necessary beverage for me. I am not sure of what would happen if I didn’t get my coffee? My internal system might not react as the normal would *ha-ha* pretty funny thought.

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