Treat Cold in an Hour with Onion Tea

Treat Cold in an Hour with Onion Tea

How to treat cold and even fever the same day.

Are you ill and you have an appointment, a date or you have to go to job?

Here is your solution in a few steps:

Step 1: go to your kitchen and take 3 onions, 20g of sugar and 1 litre of water

Step 2: boil onions in 1 litre of water for 15 minutes ( like a tea)

Step 3: while boiling onions make caramel by heating sugar

Step 4: when onions are boiled and you have caramel add caramel to the bowl

Step 5: very important!! Drink it as fast as you can and as much as you can

IF you think I am kidding you try it and then comment

I hope you will be healthy soon

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