What is Bacterial Infection of The Intestinal Tract?

Persons are sometimes hospitalized during treatment for a bacterial intestinal infection.
Treatment for a bacterial intestinal infection can sometimes require surgery to remove the infected section of the colon.

The intestinal tract is the section of the digestive tract that lies between the stomach and the anus. The intestinal tract is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine. Most of the products that the body can get from food, such as amino acids and glucose, are absorbed in the section of the intestinal tract that is called the small intestine.

Some bacteria live in the digestive tract and are beneficial because they help the body to digest certain foods. It’s estimated that about 1,200 species of bacteria, yeast and other organisms live in the human gastrointestinal tract. However, these bacteria, also called intestinal flora, can cause severe infections if they enter the bloodstream.

Intestinal infection can be caused by many things. Bacterial intestinal infections are sometimes caused by a tear in the lining of the intestine. Sometimes while the body is trying to deal with the infection, the intestines swell shut.

Zachary Taylor, a former President of the United States, died of a bacterial intestinal infection. There are several forms of treatment available for an intestinal infection. The Mayo clinic is rated as the top hospital in the world for treating intestinal disorders. Persons are sometimes  hospitalized during treatment.

Treatment of a bacterial intestinal infection can sometimes require surgery to remove the infected section of the colon.

Brock Lesnar, a professional entertainer and WWE title holder and UFC heavyweight champion, recently had to battle a bacterial intestinal infection. He had to have minor surgery.

When a bacterial infection affects the intestinal tract of a group of related people, for example a family, the source of the bacterial infection in the intestinal tract is usually first suspected to be contaminated food.

There are some bacteria, such as E. coli, which are harmful to the body and their presence can result in a bacterial infection in the intestinal tract. The symptoms of an intestinal infection vary.

Harmful bacteria such as E.coli, Salmonella and Shigella, can cause symptoms of an intestinal infection such as fever and diarrhea.

Coconut water or other electrolyte solutions-such as those found in pharmacies-can be used to replenish the body after the bouts of diarrhea which are commonly experienced with a bacterial infection in the intestinal tract.

Some things, such as the galactooligosaccharides found in breast milk, naturally protect the lining of the intestine from the bacteria which are harmful.

Galactooligosaccharides also help the friendly bacteria to grow. A lot of harm to the body can be caused when the number of bifidobacteria is decreased from antibiotic use or changes in diet, or from other factors, such as stress. When the number of friendly bacteria is used, harmful organisms such as candida-yeast-increase in numbers and can damage the intestinal wall. If the intestine becomes permeable enough, they can enter sections of the body that were previously protected.

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