
Why Is Getting Married Important?

Unfortunately, due to early marriages and their effects on youth, the increasing rate of divorces, and many other reasons, society considers marriage unnecessary, conflictive, and a reason to be unhappy. Moreover, people only value marriage due to the possible harm divorce could cause to children. But why is getting married important to protect your kids? It has been found that children who were raised outside of marriage are more likely to be less successful in their careers, use illegal drugs, become victims of child abuse, experience mental illnesses, or even commit suicide.

Despite the evidence strongly supports this belief, there are more reasons to get married than those related to hurting children. Why is marriage important for society? Marriage protects taxpayers and society from many personal and communal costs, but it’s also an excellent way to promote the wealth, health, and well-being of adults and communities.

Why Is Getting Married Important
Why Is Getting Married Important

Why Should You Get Married?

Society hasn’t emphasized the benefits of getting married and lasting marriages. Social science has revealed that married people live longer, happier, and healthier lives than those divorced or unmarried. So, is marriage necessary? Is marriage worth it? Continue reading to find out the main reasons to get married.

Married Couples Live Longer & Healthier

Why is getting married important in terms of health? According to research, nine out of ten married guys will make it to age 65, compared with only six out of ten single guys. Although this difference isn’t as noticeable for women, there’s in fact another gap. Nine out of ten wives will live to become elderly while eight out of ten divorced and single women will reach the same life stage.

Scientific studies show that being happily married reduced surgical and cancer patients’ risk of dying in the hospital. Furthermore, married couples tend to have better-functioning immune systems than those who never got married.

Increases Sexual Fidelity & Quality

Despite marriage is riskier than before, it’s also a realistic promise of permanence in a romantic relationship, and according to research, it still makes love last. Cohabiting men and women are four and eight times more likely to cheat than husbands and wives, respectively. Moreover, husbands and wives are more likely to report that they have amazing and emotionally satisfying sex life than singles or cohabitors. Also, 50% of married men say that having sex with their spouse is highly satisfying physically, while 39% of cohabiting men can say the same.

Keep in mind that if you have problems in the bedroom, there are always ways to handle sexual frustration with your partner, so it’s important to have good communication with your spouse to work things out.

Increases Your Earnings

Why is getting married important to your economy? In America, having a wife might increase a man’s salary by about as much as a college education, and they make about 40% more money than single men. Moreover, wives’ earnings also increase from marriage, but they decline with motherhood. Childless wives can even earn 10% more than single women.

Also, it has been found that married couples manage money better than they would on their own. The longer couples stay married, the more assets they build. For instance, the average married couple can accumulate about $410,000, compared with $167,000 accumulated by those who never got married.

Why Should You Get Married
Why Should You Get Married

Improves Happiness

Generally, about 25% of singles or cohabitors report being “very happy” while 40% of married people report the same. Only 18% of divorced individuals consider themselves “very happy”. Moreover, this association between happiness and marriage is considerably consistent is other countries as well. For instance, a large study in Norway found that married couples have the highest level of well-being, and cohabitants weren’t any happier than single individuals. While cohabitation doesn’t increase financial satisfaction, marriage enhances both health and financial satisfaction. Besides, imagine how having someone to provide you with all the benefits of hugs on a daily basis will improve your life!

Children Live Longer

When their parents get and stay married, children live longer and healthier lives. According to a study, a parent’s divorce knocked four years off the adult child’s life expectancy, as those people in their forties whose parents got divorced were more likely to die from all causes than those whose parents remained married.

Furthermore, it’s important to consider that divorce weakens the bonds between parents and children in the long term, making children about 40% less likely to see their parents in the future or think about them positively as those adults from intact marriages.

Lower Risk of Violence

It has been found that the risk of becoming a victim of violence decreases due to marriage. According to research, around 60% of the acts of violence against women weren’t committed by husbands but by boyfriends or cohabitors, and people who live together are more likely to say their arguments got physical than married partners.

Benefits Your Mental Health

In America, married couples are less anxious and depressed than those people who are single. Furthermore, married individuals usually have powerful mental health improvement, both substantially and consistently. These people are much less likely to commit suicide or have problems with illegal drugs or alcohol abuse.

On the other hand, it has been found that getting divorced increases hostility and depression, while it also lowers self-esteem, purpose in life, positive relationships with others, and happiness in general.

Is Marriage Necessary
Is Marriage Necessary

Enjoy the Benefits and Enjoy Your Life

Marriage, as a social institution, can change a person’s life. Over time, each spouse can produce more in both market and non-market goods than those who are single and must struggle with all of life’s tasks on their own. Furthermore, thanks to family, religious values, and community, marriage can give a greater sense of meaning and purpose to life. Marriage changes the way two people look at their future and their roles in society.

Not only is it important that you understand why getting married is important but so is understand what’s important in a marriage. If you follow through with marrying your significant other, you will want to preserve the love and get through any ups and downs you may encounter. Also, considering what your significant other finds important in life will be key to ensuring you both understand what you are getting yourself into.